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Published: 13 March 2014

20140313-garfield basketball-mainGarfield High School Beats Issaquah – and Racism -- to Win State Championship

Harassing tweets sent to Garfield High School athletes, apparently by students at Issaquah High School, have backfired… For all the information click here http://www.theskanner.com/news/northwest/20928-garfield-high-school-beats-issaquah-and-racism-to-win-state-championship

20140313-long-niaNia Long: ‘The Single Moms Club’ Interview

The actress talks about co-starring as May in The Single Moms Club opposite her son Massai… To read the whole story click here http://www.theskanner.com/entertainment/theater-movies/20934-nia-long-the-single-moms-club-interview


20140313-walmart-worker-parking-lot-mainLow-Wage Workers Struggle to Find Middle-Pay Jobs

The lower-wage jobs once seen as stepping stones are increasingly being held for longer periods by older, better-educated, more experienced workers… To read all about it click here http://www.theskanner.com/news/usa/20931-low-wage-workers-struggle-to-find-middle-pay-jobs



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