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By The Skanner News | The Skanner News
Published: 23 September 2024

On Friday, the Interstate Bridge Replacement program announced the opening of a 60-day public comment period for the program’s Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement. The comment period will end at 11:59 p.m. PST Monday, Nov. 18, 2024.

During the public comment period, the community is encouraged to review the document and provide feedback on the potential benefits and effects of program investments on transportation, the environment and the local community. Public input will help inform technical analysis and design options and will refine the preferred alternative that will move into the final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement, including the program footprint and mitigations.

“Public engagement has been a hallmark of this program from the very beginning, and we want to make sure that community members have their voices heard,” said IBR Program Administrator Greg Johnson. “The public's input is crucial for the success of the IBR program and will help ensure that what we build reflects the priorities and desires of the local community.”

The full document includes an executive summary available in multiple languages, the chapters of the Draft SEIS, appendices and technical reports. It can be accessed on the IBR Draft SEIS webpage and hard copies of the document are available at several locations:

  • Interstate Bridge Replacement Program Office, 500 Broadway, Suite 200, Vancouver, WA 98660
  • Vancouver City Hall, 415 W. Sixth St., Vancouver, WA 98660
  • Vancouver Community Library, 901 C St., Vancouver, WA 98660
  • The Charles Jordan Community Center, 9009 N. Foss Ave., Portland, OR 97203
  • The Portland Building, 1120 SW Fifth Ave., Portland, OR 97204  

Opportunities to learn more about the Draft Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement will also be available during the 60-day comment period and can be found on the program's meetings and events page.

Public comment opportunities

There are multiple opportunities and ways for people to provide formal comments on the draft impact statement. Comments must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. PST Monday, Nov. 18, 2024. Comments can be provided in any native language. Language interpretation and ASL services can also be made available upon request. It is important to note that for a comment to be included as part of the formal record, it must be submitted in one of the official ways:

  • Online comment form: https://www.interstatebridge.org/DraftSEIS
  • DraftSEISEmail: [email protected]. Please include “Draft SEIS public comment” in the subject line.
  • Phone: 866-IBR-SEIS (427-7347). Please include “Draft SEIS” in your message.
  • Mail: Interstate Bridge Replacement Program, Attention: Draft SEIS public comment, 500 Broadway, Suite 200, Vancouver, WA 98660
  • In-person and virtual public hearings: Two in-person and two virtual formal public hearings will be held in October. The in-person public hearing events will also include informational open houses to provide an opportunity for community members to learn more and ask questions of program staff. Additional information about these events is available on the website and will be further advertised in early October.

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